Saturday, 26 April 2014


Scary Chairman
Election of Officers
Ox is standing down as Chairman this season, Ed offered on behalf of the club a big thank you to Ox for his hard work and efforts over the last few years, which was agreed by all present.  Thanks to all outgoing committee members and welcome to the new committee members elected now.  Ox started by asking for nominations for President, Phil was happy to stand again, this was proposed and seconded and was carried.  Ox then stood down whilst Kim asked for nominations for the position of Chairman, Martin Owen was proposed and seconded and Martin took his position on the table to carry out the rest of the election of officers.  Thanks went to Aron, Jack and Owain who are standing down from their roles this season and to James for a sterling effort as Membership Secretary.  The election of officers then took place


Phil Dunkley
Dave Elvidge
Mark Challis

Martin Owen
Paul Huntbach
Craig McGrory
Vice Chairman

Craig McGrory
John Ormsby
Mark Challis
Hon Secretary

Kim Challis
Henry Berry
Jack Badhan
Hon Treasurer

Henry Berry
Richard Craner
Tom Byrne
Fixture Secretary

Mark Challis
Charlton McBride
Dave Elvidge
Registrations Sec

Danny McCloy
Phil Dunkley
Tom Reilly
Club Captain  **

Danny James
Craig McGrory
Tom Reilly
1st XV Captain

Mark Challis
Aron Jarvis
Paul Huntbach
Vice Captain

Charlton McBride
Mark Challis
Dave Elvidge
2nd XV Captain

Tom Reilly
Charlton McBride
Mark Challis
Vice Captain

Dave Elvidge
Jack Badhan
Tom Reilly
Membership Sec

James Reilly
Richard Craner
Danny McCloy
Social Secretaries
(can co-op other members)
Kate McGrory
Steve Adcock *
* (Tour Organiser)
John Ormsby
Mark Challis
Matthew Carrier
James Reilly
Sponsorship Officers

Jack Badhan
Craig McGrory
Dave Weston
Dave Weston
Dave Elvidge
Dave Elvidge

Gaz Hill
Phil Dunkley
Rowan Hill

** There were 3 nominations for Club Captain and a hands vote was taken

Nominated                              Proposed                                 Seconded                    Hands
Aron Jarvis                              Paul Huntbach                        Tom Byrne                     6
Danny James                         Craig McGrory                         Tom Reilly                     7
Jack Badhan                           Dave Elvidge                          James Reilly                  5

Danny was duly elected with a majority hands vote.

Thanks to Gaz and Rowan for operating the website and taking photos/videoing matches etc, great success this season and will hopefully continue to do well next season.

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